Friday, 27 July 2007


The room is still save for the slight rattle of window panes in their frames as another truck thunders past outside. Endless traffic, the distant boom of planes overhead, and somewhere a solitary bird trills, out of tune with the urban symphony.

The smug carriage clock ticks away the tiresome minutes and the laptop hushes quietly like the sound of heavy rain or a distant ocean. I think my head would sound like that if you held it to your ear.

Staring at a blank screen. Blank screen stares back.


Skarrah said...

You're not a morning person are you?

Kate said...

I definitely prefer evenings.

MommyHeadache said...

Hi there...I'm not a morning person either.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you captured the moment so perfectly. let's have more of that, please.

LJ said...

Such beautiful writing since you've been back.
Encore! Encore!

herhimnbryn said...

I echo ed and lj. Beautifully captured. More please!

Kate said...

You are all too kind. Will do my best to write some more after the thesis from hell has been submitted!