Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The Joys of House-sharing.

'Nuff said.

I'm not painting a very rosy picture of my personal clarify, the bedroom is usually tidy, but when it's untidy then I go the whole hog. If a job's worth doing then it's worth doing properly.

As for the bathroom, this is an area in which I excel given my long-standing phobia of other people's bottom germs and the like. It is scrubbed, painstakingly, on a weekly basis. Pubes are purged, skid marks scrubbed, the shower scoured, but despite my best efforts there are two habits I just can't seem to break my housemates of:

1) Peeing on the toilet seat, the floor, the mat...anywhere other than the toilet. There's nothing worse than sitting down to business to discover that you're sat in someone else's.

2) Not changing the toilet roll when it's finished. This is the only thing almost as bad as number one. I do not appreciate having to do the twist and shout, knickers round ankles, before shimmying gingerly over to the cupboard to find a replacement. The photo is my idea of a subtle think they'll get it?

My personal idea of heaven? A bathroom in which no traces of any DNA other than my own can be found. A place where no man has boldly gone before.


Skarrah said...

Lmao. You're putting me off university again Katie dear. Shared accomodation....*shudder*

LJ said...

I live alone and park a stack of white facecloths right next to the toilet. Now THAT a sign that men do not inhabit my bathroom on a regular basis. I love the photo.

Kate said...

Lex - You haven't lived 'til you've lived with random cards for the convenience of shared rent. Trust me, you need this experience to fully appreciate real life when it follows!

LJ - I don't even want to imagine what would become of a stack of white facecloths next to the toilet in my bathroom...As for the photo, I'm thinking of taking more around the house and creating a hommage to my house-sharing days. I can pull it out and leaf through the pages in future if ever I'm feeling hard done by!

Vita said...

Nice subtle hint there. Har har. White facecloths??? Now you've got me unsatisfied with my piano room, because it's low ceilinged, dark, small doored and windowed. Dang.

herhimnbryn said...

Why is it so difficult to aim?

Love the image!

Kate said...

Well we all know how guys are with measurements when it comes to that particular body part. Maybe they over-estimate when aiming too... ;)

Ariel said...

Put it that way, it must be a posh house share because you have a loo roll holder. I woke up this morning to discover not only that the oik had had a dump and not used Toiket Duck or the brush, but that he had also pissed on the seat. Again. However he did purchase a pack of 16 bog rolls yesterday...

Kate said...

I went home for a week recently. When I left there was no loo roll, when I returned a week later there was no loo roll. My female housemate (who keeps her own secret stash for emergencies) tells me there'd be no loo roll all week. I don't even want to think...