Cookies or cake?
Skippy popped round unannounced today with the ex he went to Paris with. To add insult to injury the curtain pole fell down and hit me on the head as I tried to open the door, and the front door blew the kitchen door shut, locking us out because the handle is broken. Meanwhile a batch of cinamon and maple oatmeal cookies was threatening to catch fire in the oven. To top it off, I was looking fabulous in my jogging bottoms and t-shirt, with no make up and greasy hair. Also reeked of stinky cream of yesterday's post fame. Awesome.
I apologised to the ex for my appearance and mentioned that had I known she was coming I'd have made more of an effort, to which Skippy retorts "oh but don't bother for me then...". He was kidding, but I couldn't resist pointing out that he forfeit that particular priviledge when he decided he 'just needed to be single and selfish at the moment'. God love him but he's getting on my last tattered nerve at the moment.
Cookies are good, though undergoing some kind of identity crisis as to whether they are indeed cookies or cake. I've tried to come up with some witty hi-bred name for them but to no avail...seriously, give it a go, all you get is 'cookies' or 'cake'.
Really must go for a run tomorrow. Have been pretty slack of late.
Ah, K haven't we all been there? Those are the days when you wonder why you got out of bed.
Haha, you're not kidding. I guess if you can laugh at them then that's a start! Nevertheless I went to the kitchen this morning to discover one of my housemates had left the cookies sat on the counter to go stale...complete with soggy, half-munched one on the top of the pile! I give up :)
How about cookes? Cakies? Haha. Don't worry, they sound like they turned out better than my brownies which, last time I checked, had turned into chocolate coloured slush in the bottom of the tupperware. Apparently vegans eat the whole batch in one day. Now why didn't I think of that?
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