Tuesday 1 May 2007

The Shit Gremlin

He sneaks into my room at night,

To sprinkle shit is his delight.

When I wake up each new day

My whole damn room just looks this way.


warriorwoman said...

You'll be in the Tata in no time.

Skarrah said...

Damn, Katie. Even my room is tidier than that! Shit Gremlin didn't just visit in the night, it brought it's friends too!

Kate said...

Just to clarify that this was it at rock bottom...it's normally quite tidy!! It does untidy itself quite easily though, I have to embark on a major 'tidy mission' at least once every other day or it starts to look like that again! Perhaps it has something to do with squeezing all worldly posessions into one average sized room?