Saturday 21 April 2007

Visions of Venice.

What do you think? Opinions welcome.
Sorry it's not a proper post - don't have time 'til Monday.


Anonymous said...

ahhh I love venice. I love italy and everything about it.

nice pictures.

Kate said...

Venice is bittersweet for me.

Makes me mindful of two things; the awesome love and imagination of my sister, who bought me the weekend trip for Christmas, and the sudden realisation that flying solo all my life is not going to be as fun as I had mapped out in my imagination.

For the first time I felt lonely, and a bit sad at the prospect of a life seeing such wonderful things without being able to turn to the person at my side to enthuse about them.

Valuable lessons learned and a fantastic time had though, Venice is so breath-taking you feel it can't possibly be real - that it must have been constructed by Disney and peopled by actors!

Anonymous said...

why 'solo all your life'?

I admire people who go off travelling by themselves, although I suspect I'm a little deficient in that respect because I can't seem to be able to enjoy anything if I don't have someone to share it with....

Kate said...

I don't know why. I suppose as a young girl I couldn't imagine getting married etc because it all seemed so distant. Then as I got older I developed a creeping feeling that 'alone' was just the way it was supposed to be for me. I convinced myself it was what I wanted for a long time, then fell in love with a guy who soon fell out of love with me, and I suddenly realised that alone is not ok. Not anymore.

Travelling alone has its merits though, you get to be completely selfish, see precisely what you want to see, and (in my case) take as long as you please photographing it!

LJ said...

I think your photos are absolutely beautiful. You have a good eye.

Kate said...

Thanks LJ, I love taking photos. It's so relaxing. In 2005 I spent practically the entire year in Barcelona trawling the streets with only a camera for company. Better times were never had. I lost my inspiration for a while when I came back to the UK, but it's slowly returning.