Friday, 28 September 2007

Somehow I just don't feel like writing.

Well, my sister keeps saying I should update this thing, but quite frankly I can't think of a thing to say.

I quit my temp job on Wednesday, went out on a date with a bloke I hardly knew, searched for new jobs - both temp and permanent, and tonight I'm off to the Peak District for long walks and wine addled chats with friends in country boozers.

That reminds me, must go upstairs and charge the camera.

Monday, 17 September 2007


Okay, so I'm going through an inspirational dry patch at the moment, so I'll leave you with 3 little words; Mean Kitty Song.

Scroll down my blog and check it out on youtube. I found this hilarious, but then it does remind me of an ex's cat, Paco - el gatito bonito. It jumped out of a third floor window once and survived unscathed.